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E-CoGen™ Hybrid Fuel Systems

E-CoGen™ Hybrid Fuel Systems are based on a special technology that can be retrofitted on existing high speed diesel engines to allow simultaneous combustion of diesel and natural gas. The system can continue to operate on diesel fuel only if required without loss of power and efficiency. The system is fuelled by simultaneous combustion of Diesel and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) resulting in a lower operating cost. Allset Energy deals in high-quality eco genset, and much more. These products are manufactured from high-quality material that is procured from well-known vendors. The offered products can be customized as per the specification provided by our customers.
E-CoGen™ Hybrid Fuel with Touch Screen E-Monitoring system can reduce diesel consumption to 50% - 70% and be retrofitted in 200KVA - 2250KVA diesel engines to maximise return of investment and lower operating cost. Allset Energy deals in Hybrid Gensets in India, based on a special technology. The system can continue to operate on diesel fuel only if required without loss of power and efficiency. The system is fuelled by the simultaneous combustion of Diesel and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) resulting in a lower operating cost.
E-CoGen™ Hybrid Fuel Systems introduces you to a world of Natural Gas based fuel that is both cost-effective and creates less pollution!

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